Paper Title Number 1
(Publications in Theoretical Computer Science are alphabetically ordered.)
On Light Spanners, Low-treewidth Embeddings and Efficient Traversing in Minor-free Graphs
Vincent Cohen-Addad and Arnold Filtser and Philip N. Klein and Hung Le
To appear in the 61st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. FOCS 2020.
[PDF coming soon]Light Euclidean Spanners with Steiner Points.
Hung Le and Shay Solomon
To appear in the 28th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms. ESA 2020.
[PDF coming soon]A PTAS for Subset TSP inMminor-free Graphs.
Hung Le
The 31st Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. SODA 2020.
[PDF]Truly Optimal Euclidean Spanners.
Hung Le and Shay Solomon
The 60th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. FOCS 2019.
[PDF][ICERM Talk]FOCS Talk][Oded’s choices]
Invited to SICOMP Special Issue!
Invited to HALG 2020!Engineering a PTAS for Minimum Feedback Vertex Set in Planar Graphs
Glencora Borradaile and Hung Le and Baigong Zheng
The 17th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms. SEA 2019.
[PDF]Greedy Spanners are Optimal in Doubling Metrics
Glencora Borradaile and Hung Le and Christian Wulff-Nilsen
The 30th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. SODA 2019.
[PDF]Local Search is a PTAS for Feedback Vertex Set in Minor-free Graphs
Hung Le and Baigong Zheng
The 25th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference. COCOON 2019.
Invited to TCS Special Issue!Minor-free Graphs have Light Spanners
Glencora Borradaile and Hung Le and Christian Wulff-Nilsen
The 58th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. FOCS 2017.
[PDF]Embedded-width: A Variant of Treewidth for Plane Graphs.
Glencora Borradaile and Jeff Erickson and Hung Le and Robbie Weber
[PDF]A Better Bound on the Largest Induced Forests in Triangle-free Planar Graphs.
Hung Le
Graphs and Combinatorics.
[PDF][Code]Large Induced Acyclic and Outerplanar Subgraphs of Low-treewidth Planar Graphs.
Glencora Borradaile and Hung Le and Melissa Sherman-Bennett
Graphs and Combinatorics.
[PDF]Light Spanners for Bounded Treewidth Graphs Imply Light Spanners for H-minor-free Graphs.
Glencora Borradaile and Hung Le
[PDF]An Optimal Dynamic Program for r-Dominating Set over Tree Decompositions.
Glencora Borradaile and Hung Le
The 11th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation. IPEC 2016.
- Data Mining (SENG 474/ CSC 578D).