Programming Assignment 3 Instructions

Due by March 04, 2019 11:55 pm

Please note that written homework 3 is up.

Goal: In this assignment, we will compute PageRank score for the web dataset provided by Google in a programming challenge in a programming constest in 2002.

Input Format: The datasets are given in txt. The file format is: There are two dataset that we will work with in this assignment.
  1. web-Google_10k.txt: This dataset contains 10,000 web pages and 78323 links. The dataset can be downloaded from here. DO NOT assume that page ids are from 0 to 10,000.
  2. web-Google.txt: This dataset contains 875,713 web pages and 5,105,039 links. The dataset can be downloaded from here. DO NOT assume that page ids are from 0 to 875,713.
Also, it's helpful to test your algorithm with this toy dataset.

Output Format: the output format for each quesion will be specified below.

There are two questions in this assigment worth 50 points total.

Question 1 (20 points): Find all dead ends. A node is a dead end if it has no out-going edges or all its outoging edges points to dead ends. For example, consider the graph A->B->C->D. All nodes A,B,C,D are dead ends by this definition. D is a dead end because it has no outgoing edge. C is a dead end because its only out-going neighbor, D, is a dead end. B is a dead end for the same reason, so is A.
  1. (10 points) Find all dead ends of the dataset web-Google_10k.txt. For full score, your algorithm must run in less than 15 seconds. The output must be written to a file named deadends_10k.tsv
  2. (10 points) Find all dead ends of the dataset web-Google_800k.txt. For full score, your algorithm must run in less than 1 minute. The output must be written to a file named deadends_800k.tsv
The output format for Question 1 is single column, where each column is the id of an dead end. See here for a sample output for the toy dataset.

Question 2 (30 points): Implement the PageRank algorithm for both datasets. The taxation parameter for both dataset is β = 0.85 and the number of PageRank iterations is T = 10.
  1. (15 points)Run your algorithm for web-Google_10k.txt dataset. For full score, your algorithm must run in less than 30 seconds. The output must be written to a file named PR_10k.tsv
  2. (15 points)Run your algorithm for web-Google.txt dataset. For full score, your algorithm must run in less than 2 minutes. The output must be written to a file named PR_800k.tsv
The output format for Question 2 is two-column: The output must be sorted by descending order of the PageRank scores. Here is a sample output for the toy dataset above.

Note 1: Submit your code and output data to the Connex


Q1: How do I deal with dead ends?
Answer: I deal with deadend by recursively removing dead ends from the graph until there is no dead end. Then, I calculate the PageRank for the remaining nodes. Upon having the PageRank scores, I update the score for dead ends, by the reverse removing oder. Here I stress that the update order is reverse.

Q2: Do I initiate the PageRank score?
Answer: You should initiate the PageRank score for each page to be the same. Remember that we only run the actual PageRank after removing dead ends. Let's say the number of pages after removing dead ends is Np, then each node should be initialized a PageRank score of 1.0/Np. It does not matter how do you initialze PageRanke score for dead ends because they are not involved in the actual PageRank calculation.

Q3: How do I know that my calculation is correct?
Answer: Run your algorithm on the sample input, make sure that the order of the pages by the PageRank scores matches with that of the sample output. There may be a slight difference in the PageRanke scores itself (because of round-off error), but the oder of the pages should be unaffected. Also, check with the following outputs, that I take 10 pages with highest PageRank scores for each dataset:
  1. web-Google_10k.txt: here is a sample output. This data has 1544 dead ends total.
  2. web-Google.txt: here is a sample output. This data has 181057 dead ends total.

Q4: What do I do if I get the out of memory error on 800K dataset?
Answer: It's probably because you construct a transition matrix to do PageRank computation. This matrix takes about 5TB (not GB) of memory, so it's is natural that you will run out of memory. The way to get around is using a adjacency list, say L, together with the algorithm in page 21 of my note. For node i, L[i] is the set of nodes that link to i. Also, you should use a degree array D, where D[i] is the out-degree of i. That is, D[i] is the number of links from i to other nodes.

Q5: How do I find dead ends efficiently?
Answer: You probably want to check this out.

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